Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Ouch time for a padded room.

Alrighty it's time for a padded room for my Mom. She isn't really accident prone, but when she does have an accident she really has a doosie. Mom went to work on Monday and her and a couple of her coworkers had to go out to Pickney and finish a job out there. Well after working for a few hours they went to lunch. When they came back from lunch Mom was getting out of the truck. That's when the accident happened, she stepped down on uneven ground and twisted her ankle and fell. She managed to sprain her ankle. Now she's doped up on pain medication and has to wear a funny looking sock and a brace to keep her from moving it too much. She has these weird looking sticks to help her walk. She calls them crutches. So I am being a very good furkid and making sure she gets plenty of rest. She goes back to see the doctor on friday. Oh and I go to see my Dogtor on Monday to have an ultrasound done to confirm if I am going to have puppies. So as soon as we know Mom is gonna post the results here and with her groups so everyone knows. Oh and Mom is supposed to be getting me some cockatiels this Saturday. Dad bought her a cage at a friends garage sale.


Peanut said...

Ouch your poor mom. Hope she feels better soon.

Girl Girl Hamster said...

Oh dear.. What a big ouchie.. I hope your mom is better now.

~ girl girl

Joe Stains said...

poor mom!! I hope her ankle is better soon and that you get good news at the Vet!

Ume said...

dat sounds reali painful...
hope your Mom's ankle is feeling better now...

The Leskiw Gang said...

Peanut, Girl Girl, Joe, Ume, and B&S,
Mom says thank you all for the well wishes. Oh and she says she doesn't need a padded room. We aren't getting the bird yet cause the lady never got back in touch with her. And as soon as we get back from my dogtor, Mom will post the results.

Paws & Kisses,
Maggie Rose